Thursday, May 28, 2009


All photos I took.

The neverending road. Life goes on, with or without you.

还有11个月, 怎么熬过去呢...

Monday, May 25, 2009


Hope... is a funny thing.

It drives us to do things we never thought we do. But it also sometimes gives us a false sense of security, something to look forward to the next day. Something that shouldn't be there, something that you just dreamt up.

I've tried to look at hope not the way everybody looks at it. Not that I can't, I've made a concise decision not to. Is hope really good? What does hope entail?

Maybe thats why the words "false hope" come up so much. Fake hope?

In Chinese its easier to separate, the difference between 妄想 and 希望 is essentially hope and ... well false hope.

现在的我都是一直目不转睛的盯着每个礼拜定时在youtube里上传的part 1 - 7.

在偶像剧的世界里, 一切的一切, 好容易理解啊.
男主角到最后的最后, 不管经过多少风风雨雨, 还是会和女主角在一起的.

斗牛, 应该在第八集就结束了.
败犬, 应该在第十五集就结束了.


就算如此, 但是我为什么还每个礼拜要定期收看呢?
我自己觉得, 人是脆弱的. 应该希望会有这些事情... 会发生在自己身上.
能让自己解脱所有的所有, 让自己顿时忘记自己, 完全的陷入别人的生活.

eh? 但是主角里面想不通的问题, 现实身活里怎么都有所谓的答案呢?

Living vicariously through other people's lives, that's something I've only gotten a firm definition just a few weeks ago from a very good friend. You wish other people well, because in the end, you wish someone would live a better life than yourself, and then you can channel their feelings into yourself. That feels good, doesn't it?

Hope... is a funny thing.

Stay happy.


Song: Hold on Hope - Guided By Voices

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Won't Even Start - David Choi

Won't Even Start - David Choi

What happened
after last summer
when we broke up
in September

I havent seen you
Feels like a long time
Sometimes it still hurts
But I always get by

I still got a piece of you under my skin
Its always there no matter where Ive been

So if I ever see you on the street
I'll pretend that I didn't see
And turn my face
No use in small talk anyways

Because if I look into your eyes
Then I'll have to say goodbye
And that'll break my heart
So I wont even start
I wont even start

I wish you luck
And I wish it true
That's the best
I can do for you

Cuz you'll probably find love
In someone new
I have to let go
Yeah its hard to do

So if I run into you with your arm by his side
Just know it'll cut me like a knife

I'll be ok
I'll be ok
or that's what I'll say

So if I ever see you on the street
I'll pretend that I didn't see
And turn my face
No use in small talk anyways

Because if I look into your eyes
Then I'll have to say goodbye
And that'll break my heart
So I won't even start
I won't even start

I always liked Wong Fu's stuff. This one is no exception.

It hits a bit close to the heart. I'll be.... ok

Monday, May 4, 2009


"Can I get a ticket to Toronto please?"
"Sure, one way or return?"
"...... ermm ...... one way please"

那就是我这学期的开始. 我并不想走. 工作上的需求. 搬也只好搬. 那时的我, 背着电脑, 拉着一个借来的行李箱. 坐上了greyhound. 我不舍, 我想在走之前... 呵呵 我的运气不是那么的好.

那 时去还是很顺利的, greyhound到dundas, 换subway到scarborough, 我本来只来过scarborough一次, 是06年tommy生日的时候来的. (ah, simpler times) 我住的地方里的家对我很好, 吃的住的都有了.

第一夜, 听着歌睡着的. waiter一直在我身边, 没离开过.

星期日到的, 星期一就要上班了. 那天起的好早, 好像5点45分就醒了. 不知道什么是business casual的我磨蹭了半天. 弄出一个自己觉得ok的attire. 现在想想还是太正式了吧.

工作很好, 开始我不太适应downtown的工作环境, 人好多, 又忙来忙去的. 好像都有重要事情在身. 还好有我同事帮我适应. 在一个礼拜就把email啊, 什么的都搞定了.

别人都说我疯了, 一个人在nathan phillip square countdown. 我可能是疯了, 看着烟火, 我对它没有感觉. 这可能是我最后一次能看烟火了吧.

在 这段时间里, 我真的很幸运, 能够有好朋友在旁撑着. 老实说, 我没有预想到能结识一个这么好的朋友. 能什么话题都能聊的人. 到这只能说谢谢谢谢 (还有就是8888的红包... :S sigh) Xinyi, Chester, Jing, 都帮了我好多好多. 这学期我能撑下去, 我真的非常感谢他们.

在多伦多发现了好多事情, 接触了许许多多的新鲜事. 呵呵, 第一次TTC坏掉的时候我好像是在车上唯一一个在傻笑的人吧. 我知道了TTC bus route是怎么走的, 知道了大路大概在哪里. 知道了downtown怎么走, 哪里有吃的, 哪里能买东西. 知道了pmall原来是在steeles上.


这四个月.... 也就这样的结束了.

"Hi, can I get a ticket to Waterloo University please."
"Oh, one way please."

考试工作加油 :)

Song: Stop and Stare - OneRepublic